Affiliate Disclosure participates in several affiliate programs. I want to be clear and honest up front about these programs and their associated links. When you click on one of these links and make a purchase, receives a small commission.
It doesn’t raise the cost of the item at all. Pricing stays just the same for you. It’s just a little reward for providing accurate and relevant information about products that you are interested in. And that’s the whole reason that I created
Amazon Associates Program is the main program I participate in. But there are many others as well. I try to find the best programs to be a part of so I can bring a larger variety of buying options for the users of this website. I see it as another way to bring even more value to my readers.
Receiving compensation from these affiliate programs does not influence my reviews or recommendations of items and products in any way. I will always provide honest reviews and objective information to the greatest degree possible.
Affiliate Programs are a one of the best ways to monetize this website so I can keep it going and growing. When you click these links and purchase items, you are supporting And for that I say THANK YOU!!